Rotary Meeting #7
August 14, 2015
Hafa Adai, Pago Bay Guam Rotarians! Thank you for joining us for this week’s meeting. We are amidst rainy season on Guam and monitoring another weather disturbance in the area. Keep safe if you find yourself out and about.
We begin Meeting #7 with Rotary’s Four-Way Test: Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to all concerned? Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships? Will it be Beneficial to all Concerned?
As Rotarians, we are reminded of the Object of Rotary:
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: (1) the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; (2) high ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; (3) the application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; (4) the advancement of goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons  united in the ideal of service.
This past week, Governor Mizuno was on Guam. A joint Rotary lunch meeting was held on August 10th at The Gallery, Hilton Guam Resort. At this meeting Governor Mizuno shared his plans for Rotary District 2750 along with a short clip of Rotary International President Ravi Ravindran’s Rotary message. The Guam Rotary Presidents also presented the plan to support Saipan’s relief efforts that resulted from Typhoon Soudelor. Overall, it was a nice meeting of fellowship. The following day, Tuesday, August 11, Club Secretary John and I met with the visiting District representatives and Governor Mizuno. At this meeting we shared our plan for Rotary Year 2015-2016. The panel was pleased with our presentation. They also asked that we address the following points:  (1) Clarify how visiting Rotarians can makeup through our Club meetings and inform Guam Rotary Clubs of this opportunity; (2) Submit monthly attendance reports; (3) Encourage each and every Club member to donate to Rotary Foundation and “Every Year, Every Rotarian” campaign; (4) Ensure that every Club member is signed up with
The ReC Pago Bay Guam plans for Rotary Year 2015-2016 are presented below and I have designated members who will lead each project/event. It is my hope that you will join us in making this an exciting series of service events. If you are interested in participating in any of the scheduled initiatives, please contact the project lead.
Project Lead
Start of new Rotary officers’ year of service
Membership and New Club Development month
[Aug 12: International Youth Day]
Roadway Clean Up
Fire Chat Session
Rotarian Anita
PP Ron and ReC Officers
August 5: ReC Board Meeting
Basic Education and Literacy month
[Sep 8: International Day of Literacy and Sep 21: International Day of Peace]
Reading Project on Peace Advocates for High School Youth
Club Sec. J. Rivera and UOG Pi Alpha Alpha
Economic and Community Development month
[Oct 5: World Teachers’ Day; Oct 17 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty; Oct 24: World Polio Day]
FUNDRAISER: Poker Night - to support collection for Rotary Foundation and Every Year, Every Rotarian polio campaign. Goal: $3,200
PP Ron, Club Sec John, and Treasurer Zeny
Oct 21: ReC Board Meeting
Rotary Foundation month
[Nov 16: International Day for Tolerance; Nov 5: World Interact Week]
Partner in Entrepreneurship Workshop with college level youth. 2nd Annual Startup Weekend Guam (Nov 13-15) at UOG
President Annette and UOG E-Society
Nov 1: deadline to submit nominations for: (1) The Rotary Foundation Service Award for a Polio-Free World; (2) Rotary Vocational Service Leadership Award.
Nov 2-8 World Interact Week
Disease Prevention and Treatment month
[Dec 1: World AIDS Day]
ReCPBG Family Holiday Brunch (no host)
Rotarian Ed and ReC Officers
Dec 15: early registration discount ends for RI Convention
Dec 9: ReC General Meeting
Nomination of Officers followed by Election
Vocational Service month
Career Day – Video Awareness for Elementary School Youth
Rotarian Joey and Club Sec John
Jan 17-23 International Assembly, San Diego, CA
Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution month
Joint Rotary Events
VP/PE Kris and Treasurer Goody
Feb 23: Rotary Anniversary
Feb 10: Rec Board Meeting
Water and Sanitation month
[Mar 22 World Water Day]
Social Media Video Awareness -  Ways to Conserve Water for K-12 Youth
Rotarian Roland and Club Sec John
Mar 1: deadline for district governors to submit nominations for the Rotary Spouse/Partner Service Award
Mar 7-13: World Rotaract Week
Mar 15: deadline for DG to submit nominations for the Significant Achievement Award for Clubs
Mar 31: Preregistration discount ends for RI Convention
Maternal and Child Health month
[Apr 7: World Health Day and Apr 23: World Immunization Week]
Social Media Video Awareness – Benefits of Breastfeeding and Survey of workplaces with a dedicated breastfeeding room.
Rotarian Karen and PP Ron
Apr 1: deadline to report activities to earn a Presidential Citation for Rotary
Apr 6: ReC Board Meeting
Apr 11-15 Council on Legislation
Apr 15: deadline to report activities to earn Presidential Citation for Interact Clubs
Apr 30: Registration/Ticket Cancellation deadline for RI Convention
Youth Services month
Walls for Peace Village Youth Project
Rotarian Joshua and ReC Officers
May 28-Jun 1 RI Convention in Seoul, Korea
June 12: 2nd Charter Anniversary Celebration
Rotary Fellowship month
Charter Celebration
Induction of New Officers
President Annette and ReC Officers
Jun 1: ReC Board Meeting
Jun 30: deadline to submit nomination for The Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service Award
Members should have received gentle reminders from Treasurer Zeny and Treasurer-Elect Goody to pay your membership dues. Please be reminded of your Rotarian responsibilities that were designed to help you fully participate and enjoy your Rotarian experience: 
Participating in weekly club meetings allows members to enjoy fellowship, enrich their professional and personal knowledge, and meet other business leaders in their community. I invite you to comment on our Facebook page. You are encouraged to attend, at least once, a face to face Rotary meeting so you get to meet other Rotarians in a different setting, particularly if you are travelling.
At the heart of Rotary is Service. Through participation in local and international service projects, club members can volunteer their time and talents where they are most needed.
The Avenues of Service are Rotary’s philosophical cornerstone and the foundation on which club activity is based:
  • Club Service focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring the club’s effective functioning.
  • Vocational Service encourages Rotarians to serve others through their vocations and to practice high ethical standards.
  • Community Service covers the projects and activities the club undertakes to improve life in its community.
  • International Service encompasses actions taken to expand Rotary’s humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world understanding and peace.
  • New Generations Service recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities, service projects, and exchange programs.
To keep Rotary Clubs strong, it is expected that Rotarians will share the responsibility of bringing new people into Rotary. Even new members can bring guests to club meetings or invite them to participate in a service project. Keeping members involved in Rotary is another responsibility. Fostering strong fellowship and encouraging early participation in service projects are two of the best ways to sustain a club’s membership.
Dues are another major responsibility of Rotary. Club members are required to pay annual dues to their clubs, districts, and Rotary International, as well as the subscription fee to the appropriate Rotary magazine in a timely manner. Please pay your dues if you wish to maintain your Rotary membership; not paying heightens the cost to our Club (we have a very modest payment structure compared to other Clubs).
Club members are encouraged to volunteer for leadership roles at the club level and beyond. You can learn more about leadership opportunities available in District 2750, search the district leadership seminar page and the club committees page on myRotary (every Rotary member has access to the site via
I hope you will learn more about Rotary so that you can appreciate the value of your membership.
Some upcoming events: 
“The tree that owns itself.” We look forward to hearing more about this project in our upcoming meeting. PP Ron is the lead for this project. You may contact him for more information at
ROTARIAN SPOTLIGHT. If you have not already done so, please submit a short narrative about yourself and why you joined Rotary (100-200 words) with a picture to share.  Please send your submissions to Secretary John at or
We are continually identifying speakers or presenters on timely topics who are willing to contribute a written narrative or short video clip. The narrative should be 300-750 words and align with our topics of addressing the impoverished, reducing family violence, increasing education, entrepreneurship opportunities in our villages and how we might assist the homeless youth and children.  Please send your recommendations to VP/PE Kris at or
Rotary Minute, maybe more: 
“Be a Gift to the World” can be understood more clearly by watching President Ravi’s speech. Here is a link that I hope you will enjoy: Be inspired to help others!
Take ACTION! One of the best things we can do as Rotarians is to be proactive and be a part of the solution.  Our Rotary website ( has a wealth of resources to help us get going.  You can get everything you need to take a project from idea to completion.  What gift will you give to the world?
Did you know that there is ROTARY GLOBAL REWARDS… with Rotary Global Rewards: The good you do comes back to you. Explore the discounts and special offers available to Rotary club members through our member benefit program.  Visit more at
PROGRAM PRESENTER: Governor Mizuno at August 10, 2015 Joint Rotary Meeting at The Gallery, Hilton Guam Resort.
POSTPONED:  Our 1st roadside cleanup has been postponed until further notice. We are waiting for the weather to clear up. We will be cleaning the roadside between our signs along the Pago Bay roadside. 
Rotary International Convention for 2016 is in Seoul, Korea (May 28-June 1, 2016).  Mark your calendars!  Here are some important dates:
  • 15 December 2015: Early-registration discount ends
  • 31 March 2016: Preregistration discount ends
  • 30 April 2016: Registration/ticket cancellation deadline
  • 1 June 2016: Online registration ends; deadline for cancellations due to visa denial
I wish you a great week and thank you for taking the time to participate in this week’s meeting. To participate, visit our Facebook page and in the comment box, share your thoughts or tell us how you wish to impact our community as a Rotarian.
Adjournment.  Meeting #7 is now adjourned. Thank you for your time and have a great weekend. 
Yours in Rotary,
President Annette