Meeting #40 May 8, 2015
Meeting #40
May 8, 2015
Hafa Adai, Pago Bay Guam Rotarians! Thank you for joining us this week! We begin Meeting #40 with Rotary’s Four-Way Test:

As Rotarians, we are reminded of the Object of Rotary:

On Wednesday, May 6 we met with our community partner, MJM Company for the Dictionary project. MJM Company donated 50 hard copies of the American Heritage Children’s Dictionary that we will deliver to a local elementary or middle school. In addition, MJM Company donated $1,200 towards the cost of shipping the hard cover dictionaries. Thank you to MJM President Jesse Pizarro and his wonderful staff for their donation and partnership with our eClub.
Some upcoming events:
Unveiling of our Roadway Adoption Sign and Dedication will take place on Saturday, May 23 at 10am Special recognition to Membership Director Anita and Treasurer Zeny who coordinated this effort with our community partner, Bascon Company. Please plan to participate in our inaugural clean up of this stretch of road along Route 4 from Chalan Inda to Inalago Pago Bay. I would love to see you and your families there in full Rotary spirit and service!
VP/PE Kris continues to plan our engagement with NIH/NIDDK STEP-UP as part of our commitment to sponsor the Mini-Symposium tentatively scheduled for July 27th, highlighting the research that five high school students and one University of Guam undergraduate student will undertake. This symposium allows these students to shine, showing their parents and their peers what they have learned. The undergraduate student and two high school students will then participate in a Symposium held at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, MD. Lead Project Directors: VP/PE Kristina, Vocational and New Generations Committee Director Karen, and Rotarian Edward.
If you have not already done so, please submit a short narrative about yourself and why you joined Rotary (100-200 words) with a picture to share. Please send your submissions to Secretary John at
We are continually identifying speakers or presenters on timely topics who are willing to contribute a written narrative or short video clip. The narrative should be 300-750 words and align with our topics of addressing the impoverished, reducing family violence, increasing education, entrepreneurship opportunities in our villages and how we might assist the homeless youth and children. Please send your recommendations to VP/PE Kris at
There is no designated theme for the month of May. See what President Huang has to say this month at this link: His message focuses on the House of Friendship as part of the 106 Rotary International Convention, June 6-9. He reflects on the excitement and the diverse blend of cultures of São Paulo, the host city.
Rotary Minute: “How did you get started with Rotary?” Click on this link to listen to the testimonies of Rotarians and their introduction to the world of Rotary – “Service about Self.” Link:
Program of Service:
Maybe this week Vice President/President Elect Kris will post on Facebook . . .
Calling New Members – we will hold a New Member induction during our 1st Charter Day Anniversary, June 12, 2015.
I wish you a great week and thank you for taking the time to participate in this week’s meeting. To participate, visit our Facebook page and in the comment box, tell us how you wish to impact our community as a Rotarian.
Adjournment. Meeting #40 is now adjourned. Thank you for your time.
Yours in Rotary,
President Annette Taijeron Santos
RY 2014-2015; 2015-2016